We represent and serve the residents of the Bruderheim community and surrounding area.
Web: www.bruderheimagsoc.ca
Email: bruderheimagsoc@shaw.ca
Email: info@bruderheimagsoc.ca
Phone: 780-
5248 Queen St.
Bruderheim, AB
T0B 0S0
Bruderheim Agricultural Society -
The Bruderheim Agricultural Society is very proud of our previous events and activities that have received so much community support and local funding or sponsorships over the years. Kudos to our membership that helped organize these community improvements and educational and fun projects. Special thanks to our community residents that come out to put in some sweat equity, enjoy the fun or continue to learn. Together we accomplished much!
This was our biggest summertime event for years, hosting Alberta Professional Chuckwagon and Chariot Association, ATV Mud Bogs, Drag Races, Ball tournaments and more.
The building of the Bruderheim Agriculture Arena was spear-
The Ag Society opened the Camping facilities, conveniently adjacent to the Ag Grounds and the Town of Bruderheim assumed the responsibility and added services.
ATV Events including ATV and Side-
We have hosted the marvelous RCMP Musical Ride performance at the Ag Grounds.
The project to return native trees (including fruit-
Thiel’s Greenhouse has hosted educational sessions to help us become better gardeners and has also participated in beautification projects around Bruderheim.
Our generous community partners and contributors to the Tiger Garden at Bruderheim School were: Cenovus, Fort Sask. Home Hardware, Communities in Bloom and Thiel’s Greenhouses Ltd.
On August 2,1978, Bruderheim was honored with a ten-
Planted for and tended to by our veterans to enjoy and care for. It will be a lovely site to gather for a coffee and chat.
Bruderheim Ag Society also raised funds and built the race track at the Ag Grounds. Chuckwagon, Model T and other races are held there each year. The race track is now looked after by the Town.
Bruderheim Ag Society has owned and operated the Walker School facility for many years. They rennovated and established the site as a museum where the history of Bruderheim is archived.
This year, our youth and their families, learned all about rabbits, how to house and maintain their health and what it takes to be a rabbit owner and what it takes to be a good example of the species.
Bruderheim Ag Society put on a course in leather working with a qualified instructor and the end product turned out beautifully, a leather portfolio cover.
This years GardenING Day was a successful and fun event. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped build a garden and a great community!
Special kudos go to our Highway Clean-
to our yearly helpers that keep our county garbage free.
The Bruderheim Agricultural Society in partnership with other Agricultural Societies, in Lamont County, brought a Junior Firefighter Challenge activity to Bruderheim School (and other schools within Lamont County during Fire Prevention Week 2022). This was made possible through the Agricultural Society Farm Safety Grant Program. (Photos supplied by Bruderheim School)
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