Bruderheim Ag Society
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We represent and serve the residents of the Bruderheim community and surrounding area.
5248 Queen St.
Bruderheim, AB
T0B 0S0
Bruderheim Agricultural Society - All rights reserved
Get in Touch: 780-796-3357
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The Bruderheim Agricultural Society, Town of Bruderheim, Thiels Greenhouses, Royal Bank of Canada, Lamont County Food Bank and Lamont County Family and Community Support Services joined together and provided funding and resources such as: plants, soil, staff and volunteers, to create 16 pallet gardens of vegetables to provide learning experiences the younger members of our community.
To date, Bruderheim youth and their families participated in an activities:
- to learn about reptiles and insects that provide pollination to plants during the building of our gardens. This was a hands on activity and the children were able to participate after they planted vegetables in our pallet gardens.
- teaching children about insects, reptiles and pollination of plants was hosted by the Bruderheim Ag society in summer camps. The children also helped water the plants and had an opportunity to taste vegetables such as beans, tomatoes, herbs, lettuce and carrots....home grown. For some of these youth, this was a new experience for them.
- The Ag Society recognizes and reflects the importance of private and government initiatives across the world to address and investigate pollinator decline through education. It is important that young people understand where their food comes from and its dependence on the eco system that enables that food to be put on their tables.
We believe that if the younger generation loses this understanding, it can lead them to take man’s most precious helpers in nature for granted. They need to realize the importance of other living species and respect that we need them to thrive in their portion of the cycle of life so that we can thrive in ours.
We Can All Help!
We can all help, by supporting pollinator conservation initiatives, and growing plants and flowers for pollinators. Think twice before using pesticides, and take a look at these 10 tips to help save the bees, many of which will be beneficial to insects and insect pollination as a whole. You can also ask your council to get involved.
Educational Programming for our Youth is a Priority

The Bruderheim Ag Society has plans for further educational programs for our residents and our youth to help our community sustain its efforts to beautify and nurture our environment.
We can all help by:
- supporting pollinator conservation initiatives
- by growing plants and flowers for pollinators to do their job!
- Think twice before using pesticides
- Learn the 10 tips to help save the bees, many of which will be beneficial to insects and insect pollination as a whole.
- You can also ask your council to get involved.
Continuing Educational Programs

2023 Educational Programming and Rabbit Show with E.A.R.S.

Walker Museum will be open on Canada Day
2023 Canada Day will be celebrated this July

2023 Cosmic Skate Park will host a Family Fun Fest this summer
Photo credit to Fort Sask Online
2023 Cosmic Skate Park Flying Disc Competition this summer

Knowledge And Hands on Experience to Teach the Importance of Agriculture, the Ecosystem and Our Community
An ecosystem includes all of the living things (plants, animals and organisms) in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments (weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, atmosphere).
In an ecosystem, each organism has its own niche or role to play, in particular our younger generation!.
Ongoing Learning - We learn together

Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees. Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. They add to the beauty of our community with their flowers, leaves and fruit.
Butterflies, birds, beetles, bats, wasps and even flies are important in the pollination process. But despite the importance of pollinators, they are taken for granted all too often. ... Pollinators are vital to creating and maintaining the habitats and ecosystems that many animals rely on for food and shelter.
It has often been said that bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food we eat. Most crops grown for their fruits (including vegetables such as squash, cucumber, tomato and eggplant), nuts, seeds, fiber (such as cotton), and hay (alfalfa grown to feed livestock), require pollination by insects. Get the buzz on bees by reading the below section
Working in the garden has other, less spiritual rewards. In addition to being a source of fresh, healthy produce, gardening can ease stress, keep you limber, and even improve your mood. It’s been said that gardening is “good for the soul”. Check out this years Dig N Dirt gardening events!
The Bruderheim Ag Society and the Town of Bruderheim have begun the work - funding, planning to eventually buil a new playground - complete with landscaping.
2023 New Playground

We can’t wait to put this into action! What a great place to bring the kids. There is no substitute for fresh air and exercise.
Community Programming for our residents is always fun!

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